Sunday, July 14, 2013

No races in July. Back on track in August

Even though I'll be traveling and won't be able to race, it hasn't been a slow few weeks at all.

Trimming out the van and getting it ready for the races 

I've been having trouble loading the pick-up by myself and the last track day was a real eye opener.  None of the people I normally ride with were around and everyone was really divided off into their own clicks.  I tried a few times to get some of the stronger guys to help me get the Ducati into the bed of the truck and they just goofed around and never helped.

How do I improve this?  Offer them beer and BJs? I don't think so!  I bought a new van and I'm converting it to carry my tools, gear and bikes.  I've already installed the winch and set most of the 1/2 inch plywood.  Once that is done, I strip the stands back out and install grey low pile carpeting.

This will be so good for many reasons.  I've got all the parts to install a shore power hookup and have a/c power,  I've also started laying out all the parts for a house battery and power inverter.  I've purchase a battery isolator and plan to wire that who system during the evening after work this week.

Once that is all done, I've got to start preppy the racer for her next LRRS round!!

Can't wait to tell you about all the server I'm doing since this is just about her half way through the season check-up.

Remember, if you're ride - Twist It!!


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