Friday, October 25, 2013

The girls are home

Well I thought of few of my readers might have wondered how this racer chick is feeling a few weeks after her accident.

I'll try my best to make sense of my current thoughts for you.

Well, where to start?  I know, as you can see in my x-ray above, my patella is broken into 5 or so pieces. There was a good amount of pain during my first two weeks but I managed it with the pain killer that my Dr. prescribed. 
I spent 2 weeks in an immobilizer brace.

I'm finally getting around reasonably well with my partial mobility brace.  It's a lot more comfortable than the immobility brace that I wore for the first two weeks.  I'm definitely experiencing noticeable weakness in my injured leg and my good leg is really feeling the extra burden.  My brace is set to 40 degrees of motion and in about 1 more week, I can advance that to 70 degrees.  I hope to start physical therapy then and get my range of motion and strength back. 

This was my first real broken bone - ever! and that fact is not lost on me.  Unlike simple sprains or other injuries that I just ignored when I was younger, I don't know what a nominal healing baseline measurement should be for me. 

That's kind of weird?!

Makes me feel a lot more innocent somehow

The girls are back home again!
Now, from my analytical voice...

I've looked at my telemetry data, studied the photos, obsessed over practice videos and inspected my tires.  There's not nearly enough evidence to support my having learned the bike too steeply.

I must have unsettled the chassis when I was between turns 3 and 4.  There's simply no other reasonable explanation other than that. 

Now, I just don't remember putting pressure on the right bar end. 

I think that I have a vivid memory of how I executed that last lap.  If I smooth the data just a little, it can justify what I believe I may have done wrong. 

Here's what I'm thinking...

I was getting on the throttle at the apex, not loosing much rear traction but perhaps lightening the front contact point.  That would explain my memory of driving out and then feeling the front tuck.  I think I chopped the throttle then, that's not the right decision.  I should have continued to accelerate smoothly and let the bike stand up.

What to you folks think?

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